Вуд Энерджи,ООО

Вуд Энерджи,ООО

ID of the enterprise: 12149
Enterprise founded in 2009 year. use website from 04.12.2015

The number of employees: 4-10

Производство и продажа
- древесный уголь фасованный / не фасованный
- дрова колотые
- розжигатель
- мангалы

Company "Wood Energy" offers high-quality charcoal made from environmentally friendly wood western Ukraine. This product is used for the qualitative and quick cooking on the grill, BBQ's, as well as industrial production. We are willing to consider as long-term contracts and other contracts, at the moment, we can meet your requests for charcoal.
We pack charcoal in customers bags and in our bags:
- Bags of 1.5 to 15 kg
- Commodity fraction 20-80 mm
- Commodity fraction 40-120 mm

Activity of the company

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