Placement rules for goods and services
The amount of attracted customers depends on the quality of placed offers. portal reserves all the rights to block the user for violation of the rules.
I. If user formalize product items and services on , we prohibit:
- To post information that violates the law of Ukraine.
- To publish information that violates the copyrights of others, trade secret and patent rights.
- To post information that not related to the website rubrics.
- To post untrue and irrelevant information.
- To post information containing profanity, punctuation, grammar and syntax errors.
- To post information written in capital letters (except abbreviations), use spaces between the letters, a few punctuation marks in a row.
- Use search engine spam.
- Use the same text in goods and services description.
- To place information in goods / services description if it is not a description.
II. When user make a description for goods and services, prohibit:
- To use contact information: phone numbers, addresses, e-mail, URL websites, etc. These data is login to your account profile settings.
- To use the names of the different products / services in one sentence, for example: "Coffee, tea, sugar, disposable dishes." Each product you can add separately.
III. All proposals must comply with the rubrics where they have placed. If the proper rubric does not exist, but there are similar, we recommend to put the products / services in the subheads which contains the word "other" in appropriate rubric, for example: Large home appliances, other.
IV. Goods and services description can not contain spam. It must contain the necessary characteristics and be informative.
V. prohibit to indicate false prices to attract buyers. The company is obliged to update proposal prices on time.
VI. Image Requirements:
- Goods / services photos must comply with the proposals.
- Do not post violence, pornographic and erotic nature photos.
- Do not post the same images in one sentence.